Hydroponic Lettuce Greenhouses

Hydroponic Lettuce Greenhouses

Soilless agriculture, which can be carried out by various methods, provides higher productivity compared to soild greenhouses in terms of cost, but high productivity compared to soild greenhouses in terms of production volume.

Hydroponic Lettuce Greenhouses
Hydroponic Lettuce Greenhouses

Keeping the climate in agriculture under control and ensuring its continuity of the production is provided by greenhouse cultivation. Increasing demands and developing agricultural technologies have contributed to the emergence of soilless agricultural greenhouses. 

Hydroponic Agriculture Lettuce Greenhouse M2 Cost

Soilless agriculture, which can be carried out by various methods, provides higher productivity compared to soild greenhouses in terms of cost, but high productivity compared to soild greenhouses in terms of production volume. Plants grown in hydroponic greenhouses take the nutrients from the soil from nutrient alloys. Its popularity is increasing day by day. These advantages cause the increases of the soilless greenhouse preference in lettuce cultivation.The fact that the need for nutrients is low and its consumption is high, the amount of the product obtained is higher than the traditional greenhouses, are the reasons why soilless greenhouses are preferred in the cultivation of lettuce.The most important factors for lettuce cultivation in soilless agriculture; daylight, fertilizer and air condiitioning. It is important that greenhouses are designed according to these criteria. Lettuce seedlings should be placed at regular intervals and not cramped, and it should be ensured that the irrigation system is working. Control of each seedling, where the roots are vulnerable to water, should be done separately. Humidity is one of the sensitive situaions in lettuce cultivation so checking humidity is important. Otherwise, lettuce rot is observed in a greenhouse with increased humidity. Ensuring adequate light and ventilation during production is important for lettuce cultivation. Since lettuce grown in hydroponic greenhouses will grow faster than in traditional greenhouses, it is important to harvest the products on time. The choice of direction is important in the installation of greenhouses. During installation, the forehead of the greenhouse should be positioned on the land facing south or north. The sides should be positioned to face west and east. If these positions are not taken care of, the light intake of the plant will be prevented. In case of nutrient deficiency during the growth phase of the lettuce plant grown in a hydroponic greenhouse, the ability to interfere with the content of the alloys ensures that the control is in the hands of the producer. The grower, using soilless lettuce greenhouses, can control all environmental factors and ensure that lettuces are grown in the most favorable environment.  

Points To Be Considered In Cultuvation

Humidity, which is one of the sensitive conditions in lettuce cultivation, must be controlled in the greenhouse.  Otherwise, lettuce will rot in a greenhouse with increased humidity. Ensuring adequate light and ventilation during production is important for lettuce cultivation. Since lettuce grown in hydroponic greenhouses will grow faster than in traditional greenhouses, it is important to harvest the products on time. The choice of direction is important in the installation of greenhouses. During installation, the forehead of the greenhouse should be positioned on the land facing south or north. The sides should be positioned to face west and east. If these positions are not taken care of, the light intake of the plant will be prevented. In case of nutrient deficiency during the growth phase of the lettuce plant grown in a hydroponic greenhouse, the ability to interfere with the content of the alloys ensures that the control is in the hands of the producer. The grower, using soilless lettuce greenhouses, can control all environmental factors and ensure that lettuces are grown in the most favorable environment. 



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